Nagar Nigam Varanasi house tax receipt

The simple meaning of House Tax is the annual amount paid by a particular landowner to the government of his Country. There are four different types of taxes in our country such as- land, Buildings, Personal Property, and incorporable property.

If you are a citizen of Varanasi and are looking for paying the House tax but are really confused and don’t know the procedure then this article is for you:-


The below-mentioned information provides you access to both the online and offline procedure for filling the Nagar Nigam house tax and getting the house tax receipt.

The population of Uttar Pradesh, Varanasi is around 17 lakhs, and getting into line, waiting for hours is too hectic and takes almost your entire day. So, we would recommend you to go with the house tax online.


How to make the Nagar Nigam House Tax Online Payment?

Step 1:- Visit the Official Website of Nagar Nigam Varanasi i.e

Step 2:- Choose the Property Tax from the menu bar.


Step 3:- Fill in your house number and click on Search.

Step 4:- You can now make the Payment.


Step 5:- You can make the payment through any mode i.e UPI/Netbanking or NEFT/IMPS.

Step 6:- (Optional Step):- If you cannot find the above website or any error occurs at the time then you can directly visit [] and make the payment through this direct link.


Step 7:- After completion of the Payment. Your dashboard will provide you a receipt, you can now download your house tax receipt.

Note- The Varanasi Nagar Nigam House Tax Receipt can only be downloaded from the official Website.


How to make the Nagar Nigam House Tax Offline Payment?

To make the Offline Payment of the Nagar Nigam House Tax you need to visit the Nagar Nigam Varanasi Office with all the documents and your debt amount.

Nagar Nigam Varanasi House Tax Registration Eligibility

There are certain criteria one needs to be eligible for getting a House or Property in Varanasi. The Eligibility is mentioned below-

  • The person must be of 18 years of age or above.
  • He/She must be a permanent resident of Uttar Pradesh.
  • He/She must own a property in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh.

How to Calculate the House Tax?

There are multiple ways to Calculate the correct amount of your house Tax but we will share the simplest and the easiest formula with you.

The formula is mentioned below-


Varanasi Nagar Nigam House tax = built-up area × Age factor × base value × type of building × category of use × floor factor.

There are also multiple Calculators available online and one such method is also available on their Official Website.


The Online Calculator –

You can use the Online Calculator and get the accurate result by yourself.


What is the Penalty for Late fee Charges of House Tax?

If you have mistakenly forgotten to pay your house tax on time then, you are in trouble because you need to pay the penalty fee for clearing your dues late.

The late fee Charges depend on how much you have postponed the date and how late are you clearing your due. You can also Calculate that in the House Tax calculator.


Hope this article helps you and you can now pay your Varanasi house tax easily without any errors and issues. If you still face any problem then you can check your doubt or query on the FAQ section of the official Website.

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