Nagar Nigam Varanasi employee list and contact details

Varanasi municipal corporation or we can basically say that Varanasi Nagar Nigam is the governing body of Uttar Pradesh.

The Varanasi Municipal Corporation is basically consist of democratically-elected members, which are headed by Mayor which administers the infrastructure and public services of the city Varanasi. Offices in the corporation are being held by the members of state’s leading political parties.


The Varanasi Municipal Corporation is basically responsible for all the planning, development and upkeep of the city and delivery of civic services and civic amenities to the citizens of Varanasi.

The present Mayor of Varanasi Nagar Nigam is Smt. Mridula Jaiswal. All the mayors and councilors are elected for the term of five years.


Main functions of Varanasi Nagar Nigam includes water supply, electricity, cleanliness, health coverage to all the citizens, education facilities, Upgradation of various civic amenities and services , pollution free environment , and other various facilities as well.

All Employee List Nagar Of Nigam Varanasi With Contact Details

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Varanasi Nagar Nigam or we can say Varanasi Municipal Corporation aims to make Varanasi a clean, dynamic, upgraded ,beautiful, self-reliant and sustainable city including all the basic amenities and to provide the citizens a better standard of living.

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