Varanasi Property Water And Sewerage Tax [Pay Now]

Are you a resident of Varanasi?

Then you must know that you have to pay your Varanasi Property Water And Sewerage Tax every year.


But do you know how much Property Tax Rates are in Varanasi & what other information is related to it?

Then you are in the right place.


We made this post to let people know about every detail of Varanasi property, water & sewerage tax, which will help them pay their taxes or apply for any refund.

Paying the Property, Water, and Sewerage Tax is made so simple that you need to calculate the Tax applicable on your Property and then pay that amount.


But apart from this, there are many other things related to Varanasi Property & water Tax. It would help if you had some idea about it to plan your Financial year according to this.

So let’s look at the essential points related to Property, Water, and Sewerage Tax in Varanasi City.


What Is Varanasi Municipal Corporation?

Varanasi Municipal Corporation is the authority that manages all the Property, Water, and Sewerage Tax related work in Varanasi.

The Head Office of this corporation is situated near Sigra, Varanasi.


They collect taxes from people & use them to maintain public places like parks, etc., and other activities they decide, such as providing water facilities to citizens.

The total population of Varanasi as per the 2011 Census is 1383785. And they have to pay the Tax as per the Property’s location and type.


What Is Varanasi Nagar Nigam Property Tax?

According to Varanasi Nagar Nigam (VNN),

The property tax is the annual Tax charged by VNN on immovable assets like land, house, or commercial premises. It is paid by the person who owns the asset on 1st April every year. The total number of houses in Varanasi city as per data collected during census 2011 is 994356.


As per rules, your house will be considered as Property if it fulfills any one of these terms stated below:

It’s a building/house made from bricks and cement with a roof over it so that you can stay under a roof. It has walls on all sides so that people cannot enter quickly from anywhere else except through the door/gate.


You can also find out how much amount you will get a refund on your Property Tax.

What Is Varanasi Nagar Nigam Sewerage Tax?

VNN charges sewerage tax from people who are using the facility of the sewer system in Varanasi City.


You have to pay this tax if you live in a house/building with an underground drainage system or open drainage system.

The amount of tax depends upon the type of building & its location, sometimes there might be special discounts for different groups of people which will be mentioned on the notice board near the VNN office.


What Is Varanasi Nagar Nigam Water Tax?

The people who get water from VNN for domestic purposes have to pay the water tax every year.

Varanasi Municipal Corporation provides about 500 million liters of drinking water to residents every day and it is mainly divided into two areas: the East and West side of the River Ganges.


The total number of houses that are using Varanasi’s Water facility as per 2011 census data is 807921.

Varanasi Nagar Nigam Property, Water and Sewerage Tax Calculator

People usually search for a Property Tax calculator before paying their taxes or applying for any kind of refund.


But actually, there is no need to use calculators because VNN has made it very simple to pay your property tax which you can calculate on your own using the official website of Varanasi Municipal Corporation.

But if you still need a calculator to help you calculate the Property Tax then we have provided a link for that here.

Calculate NowClick Here

The Property, Water, and Sewerage Tax are not the same for all types of building or Property.

For example, there is a separate Property Tax amount for Commercial & Residential properties as well as the location also plays an important role in determining your total tax amount.


So make sure you check these things before finalizing your budget and before paying it. If the Information presented here was helpful to you then please share this website with others as well so that they can also learn about these taxes and benefit from it.

How To Calculate Varanasi Nagar Nigam Property Tax?

There is a formula that you will have to use to calculate the Property Tax.


The formula is built-up area × Age factor × base value × type of building × category of use × floor factor.

Built-Up Area:


It is the area of your Property measured in sq. feet (Length × Breadth).

Age Factor:


The age factor will be less for old buildings and more for new/recently constructed buildings with age less than 30 years. The value depends on how much the property has been utilized (i.e., if you are not living in it or using any part of it then that exact amount will not be considered in this tax calculation which will result in lowering down your total Tax). For example, if you have a house in front of yours, where you can use some rooms so that it would affect your age factor to a certain extent but when you will not be using it at all then the same effect on the age factor will not occur.

Base Value:


The base value of a property is the rate that has been set by VNN in which it considers the location, build-up area, and type of building while setting this base value.

The total amount you have to pay as Property Tax depends upon your location too because location decides the base value of a particular property or house/building. If your area is more populated then the size of your built-up area will be very less per customer and similarly, if there are fewer people living there with huge built-up areas per person then they will have to pay more for their Property Tax.


Type Of Building:

There are different types of buildings like Residential, Commercial, Industrial, etc.


Category Of Use:

The category of use is related to the type of your building.


If you are using it for residential purposes then you will have to pay less as compared to those who are using it for commercial purposes.

Floor Factor:


The price is calculated separately for each floor of a multistory building that you occupy or own because the rate per sq. feet is different for every floor so the calculation varies from floor to floor.

If you need more information about the Property, Water, and Sewerage Tax Calculator in Varanasi then please contact them by mail at [email protected] or call +0542-2221999 before finalizing your budget amount.


Also, keep in mind that if you are living in a rented house/apartment then check with your landlord how much Tax he has paid on this Property and then add that Tax to your final Property Tax payment. is the official Website of Varanasi Nagar Nigam so we suggest you check it out before finalizing or before paying your Property Tax.


How To Pay The Varanasi Nagar Nigam Property Tax?

Paying the Property Tax is pretty simple.

Either you can do it through an online method or you can pay in person as well at the bank, post office, or VNN’s authorized branches.


Also, Read – Jalkal Vibhag Nagar Nigam Varanasi Online Payment

  • Search for the Property Tax Online Payment link and press it
  • There you have to put the details required
  • Now you can choose your payment methods to pay the Tax
  • Pay the Tax using any of the available payment method

If you have any doubt then you can contact them directly.


Varanasi Nagar Nigam Contact Details:

Sigra Varanasi
Control Room:
Municipal Commissioner’s office: 0542-2221711, (Fax) 0542-2221702
Email ID: [email protected]
Email ID: [email protected]

How To Pay The Varanasi Nagar Nigam Water Tax?

Paying the Water Tax is pretty simple.


Either you can do it through an online method or you can pay in person as well at the bank, post office, or VNN’s authorized branches.

  • Under the Pay Online Water Tax, click on “More Info”. You will be redirected to a new page where you have to click the Jal Kal Bhuktan.
  • Enter Your Ward Number and House number there.
  • Now You will be redirected to the payment information page.
  • There you will find the amount of Tax you have to pay.
  • Select any payment method and make your payment

Points To Remember

  • You will get an additional 10% discount for payment within 30 days of the bill generated date.
  • There will be a 10% surcharge on the bill amount for the payment delay period.
  • Your water connection may be blocked if your bill will not be paid in time.
  • You will also get a late fee for water tax or water bill payment.

This is how you can calculate and pay the Varanasi Property, Water, and Sewerage Tax.


If you have any doubts or queries then contact them directly.


There are some common Questions and Answers for the Property, Water, and Sewerage Tax Calculator in Varanasi.


I live in a rented apartment, do we need to pay property tax?

Ans: If your landlord has already paid the Property Tax on this particular apartment/house then you don’t need to pay it again. Otherwise, the Tax will be charged from both your side and your landlord’s side.

How do we know how much Property Tax is to be paid by us?

Ans: You can find this information online or else directly contact them. They will tell you about the Amount of Property Tax to be paid in different categories like residential or commercial etc. through their website or phone number written above with this article.


How can we pay Property Tax?

Ans: You can pay Property Tax either online or offline mode. We have given the steps and procedure to do so above in this guide.

What are the rules and regulations related to Property Tax in Varanasi?

Ans: We have already mentioned the complete procedure for paying, calculating, and finding out the Property Tax amount. You can also find those rules and regulations on their official website that is mentioned above.


What if we don’t pay Property Tax on time?

Ans: Your connection to your house may be cut by the administration for late payment. So, pay Property Tax on time to avoid any inconvenience.


Thank you for reading this article and we hope it was helpful to you about Property and Water and Sewerage Tax in Varanasi (Varanasi Property and Water and Sewerage Tax Calculator). If you still have some more questions then leave them in the comment section below. We are always happy to help you.


Disclaimer: It is an effort made by the author to give you all the Varanasi Property, Water, and Sewerage Tax-related information in one place. The author does not claim any responsibility for this guide’s accuracy or genuineness of the content. All efforts have been made to make it easy for readers to find relevant information. But still, if there are some errors found then kindly let us know through your valuable comments so that we can correct them right away. Thank You!

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